Thursday, September 8, 2011

Charlie is at his first day of pre-school.
This is my first chance to try to capture Charlie is all his summer glory. 
Charlie made it clear in spring that he prefers a naturist lifestyle. He is happiest when naked, and A-OK being the only nudie among textilists. In public areas, such as the beach, I follow him with baby swim trunks in hand, mostly for show. Last week I begged him to please try on the suit, just once.
"I fine," he gently assured me. "I swim in my penis."
Most witnesses of his clothes-free behavior are accepting if not encouraging. Most of my family is appalled. 
Far right.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sweet Somethings

As I began to exit Charlie's daycare center, my three-year-old called to me.
"Ma, gotta say something," he whispered, holding up his arms to draw me closer.
"Have a good ice cream store."
Thank you Charlie, I said kissing his hair. Have a good day care.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


This is Naked Charlie's way of telling us he has to pee. Literally, it is ChuckTalk for Diaper Change, Please.

We've been trying to convert our two-and-a-half-year-old from asking for a diaper to actually peeing in a receptacle, but we've been luckless.
Until 10 am this morning.

"TiePerShane!" Charlie called from the living room.
OK, I said, and then re-considered. "Want to try the potty with me?"
He said nothing but we skipped to the loo together. I expected him to bee-line to the changing table, but instead he squatted on the musical plastic potty.

And he went. And went. And went.

I didn't scream or anything. Which is unlike me.

I waited until Charlie was done and said, "Dad, Miles, come see something in here."
Miles and my husband rushed in, and Miles couldn't believe it.
Yay! We shouted. We told Charlie we were so proud of him for making peepee in the potty.

Charlie stood up and started to play with the potty. It sings and plays music when the lid is lifted.

I had turned off the music component last night. Our potty had remained dormant for at least nine months.
But today, in the midst of a massive snow storm, the potty collected a lot more than dust. I switched on the music. It was time to celebrate.

"He made all that? " Miles asked. "You sure he didn't add water to it? "

I had watched Charlie the whole time, I told my older son.

"Charlie," I said, so proud, "anything is yours for making peepee in the potty."

He trotted to the fridge, opened the door and whispered Pseee. So at 10 am Charlie got a half-cup of Cherry Pepsi and a bowl of whipped cream, continuing the tradition that Miles started when he was 18 months.