Thursday, December 24, 2009


Charlie tugged on the front door handle twice, both times looking at me. When that didn't relay his desire to go outside, he placed his winter boots at my feet.
Words. Overrated.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Charlie blew his first kiss today.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Ten days ago, we were wading at the beach. This morning I scraped ice off my car windshield.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

First wave good-bye.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

His first high-five.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Charlie puked!
First time ever.
We made it until month 15.
So proud.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Correction. Four top teeth are erupting.

The toll these teeth are taking on Charlie's GI system is intriguing. Unlike big brother Miles, Charlie's bottom has been pristine for most of his tiny life. Merely a dash of baby powder has kept the snowbanks of his buttcheeks aglow. Now his bum is a pink sky freckled with crimson constellations. We've used more diapers and wipes this week than we did last month.

Miles's teething-induced diarrhea (I know, medically unproven) seemed to stretch from infancy until 3. I was forced to become an afficianado of diaper rash ointments. Domestic, imported; I had quite a collection.

Charlie is crying again. So unlike him.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Top tooth sighting at 08:00.

The first of its kind in its region. A second top tooth is expected to erupt shortly.

Charlie's existing two, on the bottom, came in what seems like a year ago. This bottom jaw duo is like two tiny picket fence pieces. (For a closer peek, click on the photo from Sept. 21)

No wonder Little C has been so cranky.

Monday, September 21, 2009


Charlie took at least 15 consecutive steps today.
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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Charlie stood today. It was the longest two seconds ever.

Monday, July 20, 2009


Charlie gets to wear his cake.
July 18, 2009
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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Charlie learned how to crawl up the stairs last week. He darts for the flight of carpeted steps whenever he's free of pesky parental hands.

"What's luring him up?" my husband asked. I theorized it was just the pure joy of unaided mobility. He can crawl faster up our stairs than he can across our hard wood floor.

But I was wrong.
It's the tub.

I've always intervened during Charlie's upward journey. Even if I shadowed him inches from behind, I have always swooped him up as soon as he crested the top stair. Today I let him go.

Miles was in the tub at the time, door closed. Charlie tried to knock but couldn't, instead used his hand as a paint brush and made swishy sounds on the wooden door. "Tum in!" called Miles, but then he reneged his welcome once Charlie bee-lined to the bubble bath. Charlie loves the bath. But Miles refuses tub-time company from incontinent siblings.

Charlie turns one in three days.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

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This is a mug shot of Charlie.
This is a mug shot of Charlie on a blog.
Any curlicues?
Month 11

This week, Charlie turned 11 months. For the first time, he crawled. For weeks he'd been struggling with a grip-and-slide movement, sort of like doing a yoga cobra pose then diving into a doggy paddle, all the while propelling himself on his belly.

But this week he crawled with bent knees and strong wrists.

Then, yesterday, in front of friends who know sign language, Charlie signed the word "more." I have been lackadaisical teaching my pre-verbal son sign language, but no more.